Monday, January 16, 2012

It's A New Year


We will be welcoming Sherry back as recording Secretary, and Ann White as the new treasurer.
We will have to set a date for the 'G'ode Splode' now that we know the Cedar Rapids Show is March 17-18.
We will bring a calendar to the meeting that the Monroe club made up to sell that are quite good.   If anyone is interested in purchasing one, please let me know at the meeting and I'll order them.

The Burpee Museum is having a special exhibit on the mammals of the Ice  Age that would make a good field trip.

Dues are due for anyone that has not paid yet. The fee's are $13 family, or $11 for a single person and can be paid at the meeting or mailed to Sherry Maves ~  Hope to see ya'll at the meeting!

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